DNA sample collection is simple, but you must follow the instructions exactly or you won't get a result.
Click here to view the complete sample collection instructions before starting.
Mistake #1 - DO NOT put the swabs back into the original foil wrapper!
Put the swabs directly into the specimen envelope after collection. Throw away the foil wrapper. If you put the swabs back into the wrapper, your test will not work
Mistake #2 - Follow the instructions! The swabs must be swabbed inside the mouth according to the instructions or the test will not work.
The swabs must be rubbed inside the mouth for 15 seconds each. You must swab inside the mouth, not somewhere else, such as a drinking cup. This is not a CSI style forensic test. If you swab something other than the mouth, the test will not work. Also, do not send in something other than the swabs provided in the kit. Do not send in bones, teeth, hair, etc. You must use the swabs provided inside the kit.
Mistake #4 - Do not put the swabs into the wrong envelope!
Put the swabs into the correct specimen envelope labelled with the individual's name. Do not mix up the envelopes or put the samples into the wrong envelope.
If there is a problem with your sample, your test will not work and you will not get a result.
Here is a summary video of the sample collection process:
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